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A member registered Dec 21, 2020

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An interesting game! I’ve given it a try if you want to see some player experience. There was a weird visual glitch on the second boss. There was an enemy still on screen when the boss showed up so it got stuck and changed colour before disappearing. Also it seems like the pilot with two speed and two power is the best play experience. The woman is too slow so you’ll get hit or the last pilot is too weak and it was taking ages to beat the first boss. Maybe some way to upgrade their stats while you play?

Shylax - Mega Drive Homebrew

Great thanks! What about the test button? I just tried it again and was moving the cursor around for a minute over the test button and repeatedly pressing A but nothing happened?

Also the coolant test button seems to take a lot of attempts to work?

Not sure if I’m being an idiot but I can’t figure out how to open the locked box at the beginning? I keep looking at the crossword or the time map in the bunker but can’t get the code?